This amazing tour around Ecuador in 19 days / 18 nights offers a great loop around the main three regions of the country, such as the Andes Mountains, the Amazon jungle, and the Pacific coast. Each region has its unique fauna, flora, climate, and culture.





  • Quito: ​ The Historic Center of Quito was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on September 8, 1978. It is the least altered and the best preserved in America.
  • Mindo: It is known for its numerous species of birds, butterflies and orchids that inhabit the surrounding cloud forest, part of the Mindo-Nambillo Reserve.
  • Cuyabeno Reserve: A wildlife sanctuary. It comprises 603,380 hectares and is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet along with the Yasuní National Park. The main attractions of Cuyabeno are related to the enormous biodiversity and the imposing hydrographic system that is part of the Amazon Basin.
  • Termas De Papallacta: is the ideal place to escape the noise of the city and the daily routine. More than a destination, it is a comprehensive experience that will awaken all your senses.
  • Otavalo is a city in the Andean highlands of the province of Imbabura, northern Ecuador. It is surrounded by volcanoes, such as the Imbabura volcano. It is known for its Otavalo market in the central Plaza de Ponchos, where locals dressed in traditional indigenous clothing sell colorful textiles and crafts.
  • Galapagos National Park: The Galapagos Islands are a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. It is known as one of the most famous destinations in the world for wildlife watching. It is a province of Ecuador and is located about 1,000 km from its coasts. Its isolated terrain is home to a diversity of animal and plant species, many of them exclusive.
  • Quilotoa: Quilotoa or "princess diamond" in Kichwa, is one of the colossi of the avenue of volcanoes in whose crater lies a spectacular lagoon, hence you will always hear stories of the Quilotoa Volcano and the Quilotoa Lagoon.
  • Baños: Also known as "Piece of Heaven", "Gateway to the Amazon", "Puerta de El Dorado" or "City of the Volcano". It is the land of rivers to practice extreme sports.
  • Ingapirca ​archaeological complex: which means “Inca Wall” was, above all, an astronomical observatory of the movement of the sun and the moon, it was also a sacred space dedicated to the worship of their gods built by the Incas on the bases of a first Cañari settlement, which populated the Ecuadorian Austro.
  • Cuenca: It is one of the most beautiful cities in the country and is made up of four rivers that cross it, charming colonial streets, European-style architecture, churches and cathedrals, ruins that reveal the passage of the Incas and cultural, art and craft centers of long standing.
  • Los Frailes beach has three consecutive beaches from white sand to black sand. It has won several awards for being among the most beautiful beaches in Ecuador. Enjoy the places to walk, viewpoints and also the waves and marine diversity.

Welcome to Ecuador, a small country but certainly charming and full of adventures. Our Guide will receive you at the Airport, will welcome you, and give you an introduction to the tour of Ecuador where we will visit the country for the next 19 days. The guide will transfer you to the hotel in Quito where you will spend the night. Overnight in Quito.

  • Double accommodation in a hotel of your choice.

We will visit some of the most famous squares, churches and colonial buildings. The Plaza de la Independencia with its Presidential Palace, the Archbishop's Palace, the Municipal Building, the Statue of Independence and the Cathedral. We will continue to the churches of El Sagrario and La Compañía, and then the church and convent of San Francisco. We will take a look inside the church and be amazed by the exuberant gold that was used to decorate the oldest church in Quito. Then we will move to the Panecillo and the statue of the Virgin of Quito. From here we will have the opportunity to see both parts of Quito and the surrounding snow-capped volcanoes! 
In the afternoon we will continue the famous Mitad del Mundo. This is one of the most famous attractions in Quito, You can visit the monument or the insitu museum called Inti-Ñan. You can discover the great details of the solar system, the effect that the position of the equator and ancient cultures and much more..!
Finally you will visit the Teleferiqo (cable car) of Quito. Over 2,500 meters you will reach the top of the PIchincha Volcano, this great visit is a unique experience, which offers a great view of the landscape of the north, center and south of the city. After this visit we will be dropped off at our hotel.  Overnight in Quito.

  • Meals: ​Breakfast
  • Double accommodation in a hotel of your choice.

We head towards Mindo cloudforest where fun and adventure in nature is guaranteed. Located about 49 miles from Quito. Mindo is the most famous town for bidwachters in the Andes of Ecuador, due the amount of species we can find on the area.. Orchids, bromeliads and more than 40 species of butterflies are the highliths of this area.  Our guide will lead to some activities possible to do in this day, some of them could be birdwatching hikking, also an ecological walk to the waterfalls or canopy. You will have time for lunch (Not included) then we will visit the Chocolate Factory or Butterfly Farm. After this interesting visit we will return to Quito.
you will have time to rest for few hour at your hotel in Quito. At night, our guide will pick you up and then you will reach the meeting point for taking your semi-private touriistic bus to Cuyabeno. Night trip to the jungle for about 8 hours.

  • Meals: Breakfast
  • .Semi-private tourist bus to Cuyabeno. (Night bus trip to cuyabeno reserve)



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Andes and Coast

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Andes and Amazon

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Volcanoes avenue & Cuenca

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Cotopaxi and Quilotoa

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Otavalo cultural tour

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Mindo Cock of the rock

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Banos Route of the cascades

2 Days - ​From $237   

Otavalo market


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2019 COE 2019




certificate of excellence 2018


Certificateofexcellene 2015 EN1