In the morning, you will be transferred to Quito/Guayaquil Airport. Having paid the migration card (INGALA) ($20/pers.), you will make the necessary arrangements (with our assistance) to board your about-3,5-hour flight to Galapagos (-1h). Flight scale, in Guayaquil (if you flight from Quito). Upon arrival at Baltra Airport, you will have to pay the entrance established by the Galapagos Authorities ($100/pers.)* After a collective bus 15-minute transfer (only vehicle authorized on this part of the archipelago) you will cross the Itabaca canal by collective boat (5 min). Finally, private transfer to the Santa Cruz island heights (approximately 20 min). You will go to a Giant Land Tortoise Reserve. You will observe this emblematic species in their natural habitat. You may also see some mountain birds, such as egrets, mockingbirds, finches or flycatchers. Lunch (included). Descent to the port of Puerto Ayora. Installation in your charming hotel. 

Meals Included: Lunch

Note: As off August 1, 2024, the Galápagos Entrance is to double (Adult : $200 or Children under 12 years old : $100), and the INGALA migration card is to increase ($30/p.p).)




SANTA CRUZ ISLAND (North Seymour & Bachas beach)

This morning, you will be transferred by a collective bus (40-minute, max 20 people) to the Itabaca Canal, where you will board a boat with your group. This day will be devoted to visiting Seymour Island (nesting site). There is a trail of 1,2 km on Seymour which allows you to see the colonies of blue-legged boobies as well as the magnificent frigate birds up close. Depending on the time, you could observe the famous male frigates inflate their red frills while the blue-legged boobies flap their wings giving a shrill cry during courtship. This time of seduction is incredibly beautiful and impressive! You can also see land iguanas, found only on a few islands of the archipelago. Lunch on board (included). After some more time of navigation, you will reach the magnificent Bachas beach where you can swim. You will certainly see sea turtles, which occasionally lay their eggs, as well as flamingos basking in the calm waters. Return to the port in the afternoon. Overnight in your charming hotel. 

Meals Included: Breakfast -  Lunch 

Note: this day can be replaced by a visit to Bartolome Island, Santa Fe, Plazas, or Floreana depending on the authorizations of the Galapagos National Park.




SANTA CRUZ ISLAND - ISABELA ISLAND (Sierra Negra & Chico volcanoes)

Early in the morning (around 6h) you will take a speedboat to Isabela Island -about 2,5 hours transfer-. On arrival at Isabela, and having paid the entrance ($10 per person), your driver will be expecting you on the pier. Transfer to the hotel where you will drop off your suitcases. Then, you will continue today’s adventure to reach the Isabela Island heights where you will begin a 16 km hike (about 5/6 hours) on the slopes of Sierra Negra and Chico volcanoes which last eruption dates from 2018. Isabela is the largest island of the archipelago and the one with the most volcanic eruptions in recent years. With spectacular lunar landscapes, you will walk on a “as far as the eye can see” lava desert where only a few cacti get to grow back. Picnic lunch on the way. (included)
This is one of the loveliest trails in the archipelago, it’s not difficult but long. The first part you will go up to the overlook point (this might be the most difficult stage) you will be rewarded with panoramic views of the calderas which stretches over 10km in diameter, this place is truly awe-inspiring! The second stage is the tour around the caldera. After this wonderful excursion you will re-join the Isabella port in the afternoon. Free time! You will be able to enjoy the beautiful Puerto Villamil beach where marine iguanas stroll around. 

Meals Included: Breakfast - Picnic Lunch

Note: you will not have access to your room upon arrival in the morning. We must therefore be patient and take advantage of visiting the island while waiting. You can leave your suitcases in the hotel.


                  TC white winner gif L 2024

2019 COE 2019




certificate of excellence 2018


Certificateofexcellene 2015 EN1